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My Path to Atticus & I

I was inspired to write this some time ago, but was genuinely unsure if my story would be of interest to anyone. But here I am, eager, hopeful, anxious.

This story traces back to slightly more than a decade ago. A very sudden and painful loss in the family thrust me into an inner conflict of sorts. Forced to deal with questions surrounding life and death and the very purpose of our existence, I found myself retreating from social life, wincing at every other seemingly inconsequential and materialistic problem that daily life seemed to present to me and those around me. I felt no interest in the “lesser” pursuits in life; after all, what could be more crucial than figuring out our purpose in life, and understanding the meaning behind life and death? I was painfully conflicted.

I was in my early twenties when my journey with the Bhagavad Gita began. My mother, bless her, led me to the path of The Gita. It truly is a blessed path, one that led me to several other beautiful, evolved souls who have encouraged me further and deeper in my pursuit of Truth. Admittedly, I have faltered on this path on more occasions than I have soldiered on, my own failings being the cause, but the journey has been deeply rewarding, nonetheless.

I do believe that once you are sincerely on this path, there is an inevitable domino effect, one that draws the right souls and the right lessons in your direction. The positive vibrations and magnetic effect of this simply cannot be downplayed. Life’s challenges certainly do not disappear, nor do they present themselves in lesser numbers, but our ability to navigate them better is certainly heightened. I wish I had found this path sooner. Imagine that.

This is, in no small part, one of the reasons Atticus & I came to be. If our children were exposed to the beauty of Sanatana Dharma or Hinduism in all its glorious forms - epics, scriptural truths, deities, rituals – could a seed possibly be planted? One that would bear fruit for them when their time is right, equipping them with a desire to pursue these scriptural truths, so enabling them to navigate this drama called Life with greater wisdom and peace of mind? Imagine that.

They say the best way to change the world is to change ourselves. In the words of a wise cousin, “Change yourself; the side effects are what changes the world.” I would like to believe that the next-best solution would be to raise our children well – thoughtfully, carefully.

And so I find myself on this journey that has stemmed from that journey. A spinoff, as I lightheartedly call it. Eagerly, anxiously, and always, always, dutifully.


Atticus & I

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