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Ella Pugazhum Iraivanukku. All Glory Be to God.

I believe the most emotionally overwhelming thing about our events isn't the sheer hard work that goes into organising, or the amount of sales we achieve. The part that tugs at our heartstrings with gentle force, if ever there was such a thing, is when we engage in such heartwarming, enthusiastic and encouraging conversations with our customers, particularly our little Atticuses! I have to confess, I'm not exactly the most outgoing person, and hardly, hardly a social butterfly, but when it comes to Atticus & I, oh the exhilaration I feel when discussing these books with customers! The learning simply never ends! Atticus & I has taught me, through experience and not merely abstract knowledge, that success really and truly cannot be measured by how much we earn or how high up the ladder we climb. It quite simply is about how happy we are. So thank you to all of you who have supported Atticus & I in this extremely personal journey of ours. You have helped bring greater depth and renewed meaning to our happiness. For that, we are eternally grateful. As always, we remind ourselves, as Lord Krishna reminded Arjuna, "Just focus on the 'doing' and not the 'having'. That is the yoga of The Gita." Thank you all from the deepest depths of our being. Ella Pugazhum Iraivanukku. All glory be to God. Love & Light, Priya

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